Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Your check is in our mail.

Last week I received a call from our mortgage company stating that our payment hadn't been received on time. Whoops! I somehow missed a bunch of bills last month and I still haven't figured out how but, what the heck, I've taken care of everything now - except the mortgage. The guy that called asked me to do a "check by phone" to pay the bill immediately. That would've cost $12 so I said, "No, thanks, I'll send it in." I knew I was good for it, even if he didn't. The gentleman gave me the PO Box in Dallas, TX, to send the payment to. I sent the check via Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation ($3, thank you.) I received delivery confirmation from the Postal Service last Friday, 8/20, that it was delivered at 8:17 am. "Great! They've received it and they'll post it within 24 hours," I figured.

I was wrong. I checked my account this morning and my payment wasn't posted. I spoke to a customer service rep who said that the PO Box in Dallas is a drop box and if it was received there, it doesn't mean that it has gotten to their payment processing location. Huh? How can they wait 5 days to pick up their payment mail? I'm sure they'd want to deposit everything in their bank account asap! The customer service rep stated that they can't put in a "research action" until they have a copy of the front and back of the check. Well, duh, if you lost my check, then how do I have a copy of it?

Seems to me that I'll be paying August's mortgage payment for the next 3 months until we get it right!

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