Monday, March 20, 2006

Lost Prayer

For the past couple of years, I've been trying to find this prayer by Thomas a Kempis that I had on a small card many years ago. I couldn't even find it online because there are too many things by him and I didn't remember enough of the prayer to look for any helpful quotes.

I decided this weekend to loan a book to a friend and when I took it off the bookshelf last night and checked to make sure I didn't leave any papers in it, the card with the prayer fell out. Pretty cool.

So here it is.

"Give us, O Lord, steadfast hearts that cannot be dragged down by false loves; give us courageous hearts that cannot be worn down by trouble; give us righteous hearts that cannot be sidetracked by unholy or unworthy goals. Give to us also, our Lord and God, understanding to know you, diligence to look for you, wisdom to recognize you, and a faithfulness that will bring us to see you face to face."

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