Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A few seconds of real fear

On Sunday we went to Will & Beth's house for dinner. Their pool was open but cold so we dipped our feet in while I mulled over the idea of jumping in. Kirsten pulled into the driveway and we all turned to say, "Hi!" Kevin turned too but he kept walking and landed right in the pool. He went under and then popped back up to the surface but just laid there in a prone position not attempting to pick his head up or anything. He was only in for about 5 seconds before Andy negotiated how to get in the water quickly without pushing Kevin under or slipping on the step. Kevin came up coughing and crying but he was ok. A few minutes later in dry clothes he was back to normal and a short time after that he was walking right next to the pool again.

Considering that when we met him he freaked out at the sound of the shower or bath water running and wouldn't go near the fountain in the market, we're impressed that he bounced back rather quickly from falling in the water.

His version of the story the following day was that he was swimming - he had jumped in the water. I was sure to correct him that he FELL in the water and did NOT swim one bit! He told Andy the original story later in the day so I guess that's just the way it is. Perhaps he's better off thinking of it that way.

I, for one, will never ever forget the image of him lying facedown in the water, not moving.

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