Sunday, July 03, 2005

Every once in awhile, Andy channels an extrovert

I am married to an extreme introvert. When he took career inventories in school, one of his top career suggestions was always "long-distance truck driver" and I do think he'd excel at that job. I wouldn't excel in the role of wife of a long-distance truck driver so I'm glad he never followed up on that, but he would do very well not to have to interact with other people but in between long stretches of just him and the road.

On the last night of our honeymoon when we walked a few blocks from our hotel in Anchorage, Alaska (yes, we are really cool for going to Alaska on our honeymoon) to eat dinner at the restaurant where we'd eaten breakfast our first morning in AK, another couple from the hotel went inside when we did and they started some small talk with us. The next moment may not have really happened but here's what I remember: Andy asked the other people if they wanted to get a table with us! They said yes and we ate dinner with them. "Who are you and what have you done with my (newly-minted) husband?" I asked.

When we go to places like the mall or the zoo, he gets really cranky because of the other people there. You can imagine my surprise last week when he suggested going to dinner on Saturday night a few hundred yards from where a local town was going to shoot off fireworks for Independence Day. He thought we could go early to eat dinner and then find a place in the throng of revelers to watch the sky show. "Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" I asked again.

He keeps telling me he's himself but I'm not convinced.

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