Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Tour de France for Business-types

So, you hear/read me talk about the Tour de France every year and you're like, "Seriously, Dudette, that's enough - a bunch of tiny guys with shaved legs wearing lycra don't really float my boat, 'k?" And I'm all, "But you just don't get it! Here, let me explain. Vhcde asdlkfjlkj OIUP! Lsdiouaklj sfkloui sdflkj... ousdn werhadf lkj. Uer oafd wevf!"

If you're a business-type, your time has come to "get" the Tour de France. Fortune magazine has a fun article called "Pack Mentality" about the Tour which describes the race in business terms - "commodities exchange on wheels," "complex web of shifting alliances," "energy traders," "polyglot group," "high-rent district" and "the market needs liquidity" all while explaining classic Tour terms - peloton, patron, rouleurs, domestiques, grimpeurs and "urological faux-pas". That last item isn't a classic Tour term but it is used in the article and didn't it make you laugh when you read it?

Enjoy the article and I hope that it helps you feel more in-touch with the amazing artistry and endurance captured in the Tour de France (it's only 31 days away, you know.)

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