Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sometimes I talk too much

Scene: Brad Paisley's "I'm gonna miss her" starts playing on the radio

Kevin: What's this [song] about?

Me: It's about a man who likes to fish. He really likes to fish. A lot.

Kevin: Oh.

Me (instead of stopping talking like I should have): He goes fishing too much, actually.

Kevin: Why he go fishing too much?

Me: It's too much because his wife thinks that he should be home more and spending more time with her.

Kevin: Why he go fishing too much?

Me: He really likes to fish. But it's too much because he's not at home with his wife enough.

Kevin: Why he not at home?

Me: Because he's fishing.

Kevin: Why he go fishing?

Me: He really likes to fish.

Kevin: Why he like to fish?

Me: Fishing is fun.

Kevin: Oh.

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