Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I used to think I was realistic

I've always considered myself realistic/pragmatic and I've been told the same by others around me most of my life. There are some things, though, which can't be realized until they are lived. One of those is parenting.

Expectation #1

My life will not revolve around my children. Their lives will revolve around what’s best for the whole family.

Reality #1

The needs of the family are the needs of the kids and it’s impossible not to change one’s schedule and priorities upon assuming the role of parent. And the level to which this must occur is unfathomable until one becomes a parent. No matter how much one thinks that one knows better. It’s unfathomable. It can’t be determined until one is in the situation. Unfathomable.

Expectation #2

I will not discuss my childrens’ diapering and toileting habits with anyone but immediate family or those who ask.

Reality #2

Just last night I discussed this in public but was nicely reminded that it’s better not to.

Expectation #3

I will not expect everybody else to change their lives to fit our families’ needs.

Reality #3

I believe I’m doing well with this one so far. Our ability to fit into others’ lives has changed but we expected that and we’re fine with it being our decision to make that be the case.

Expectation #4

My children will do what I ask them to do because they know it is the best thing for them.

Reality #4

While I knew this would not be instantaneous, I thought I could mold Kevin better than I have so far. And to think that he is fairly compliant compared to a lot of kids I’m not sure what I’ll do when we have more.

Expectation #5

I will enjoy providing my children with the attention that they request.

Reality #5

Um, yeah.

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