Sunday, January 22, 2006

Been a lot going on

Kevin has been sick this week with a cold that brought on his reactive airway disease (sort of a pre-asthmatic condition) and bilateral ear infections. So... I missed some work that I couldn't make up and one of Kevin's Dr. visits was taken care of by my parents so that we could go to a funeral. He's feeling so much better today that I can't count the number of shrieks he's let loose while jumping and prancing around.

A dear friend of ours lost his mother a little over a week ago. It was sudden, unexpected, shocking, devastating,... you name it. This was my first chance to test my new practice of not hiding that I have emotions, particularly those that make me cry. So I have spent a lot of time crying for my friend and trying to accept what it feels like to be sad and grieving without trying to pretend that I don't feel that way, which is what I've always done before. Embracing my sadness wasn't as bad as I expected it would be.

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