Monday, March 07, 2005


Andy and I have been sick. Fortunately, Kevin has been barely sick. We were concerned by his stuffy nose because when he's had a cold in the past he ends up with reactive airway disorder and has to use the nebulizer, etc. But he seems generally ok. Andy and I, on the other hand, are not feeling well at all. Both have sinus infections and both have various other complications. We are both on antibiotics and other medications and we're really hoping to feel better soon. Day 4 of my antibiotics should feel better than it does, in my opinion, but I'm still holding out hope. Andy is on Day 1 of his so tomorrow and Wednesday will be the tests.

Amazing how when you're a parent you just do what you have to do (I know this is not earth-shattering news, I'm just thinking about it with respect to being sick.) I've been sick but have still visited 2 zoos, had a houseguest (who was very easy to host but adding that to the list increases the pity you feel for me), had a dinner guest, played volleyball (that has nothing to do with being a parent, I know) and played substitute teacher at church. Before being a parent I would've laid on the couch and watched a lot of TV. I figure now that I'm a parent, it's easier to do those things than lay on the couch hearing, "Come on!" and "Waaah!" from a 2-yr old while trying to rest.

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