Thursday, March 31, 2005

Bird Quiz

Not only is fun for personal quizzes...

Here is a bird quiz I made.

The questions are all related to local birding to be more interesting to the majority of my readers. However, much of the information pertains to other areas, too. Don’t worry, I won’t be offended if nobody takes the quiz :-)

Note that if you want to remain a non-resident of the spam netherworld, you’ll want to put in a fake email address when you sign in. You’ll still be able to see what answers you got right and wrong on the screen, they just won’t be emailed to you. Which is worth it if you don’t want to get 5 junk emails a day offering you “low” mortgage rates that are actually higher than the rate at which you’ve already refinanced. I can only assume the recent increase in traffic to my spam folder is due to (either that or it’s a mighty coincidence.)

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