Wednesday, June 16, 2004

HeadCheese's official welcome

Not that both of you who read my blog would necessarily notice, but there's a new addition to my BlogRoll... Welcome HeadCheese!

HeadCheese and I go way back. Well, not that far, I suppose. It was maybe 1998? that we met. We met in an online chat area at the Specialized Bikes website. In 1999 (I think) Andy and I flew to Dallas to meet HeadCheese and another chat friend, OTB (Over The Bars.) We rode in a charity event in searing heat, had a barbecue, and then took a mountain bike ride (also in the searing heat.) It was a tiring weekend, but HC's and his wife's hospitality shone through and we had a fun time. For the past few years we've been out of touch, so it's nice to be back-in-touch and what better way to be there than through blogging?

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